Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Journey to Financial Freedom

"Success is a journey, not a destination." - Ben Sweetland

Success is a process and truly not a destination. It is the process of becoming who we really are. Success, as Jim Rohn famously said, is something that we attract by becoming an attractive person.

Everyone has a unique journey towards their dream life.Today I want to share the things that I learned along the way in my journey towards my quest for financial freedom.

I Take Time to R E A C H my DREAMS!

Lesson # 1. Take Time to Reflect
                       Awareness is the first step to change. Without change there is no improvement.

Lesson # 2. Take Time to Educate Yourself
                       Learning time is a waiting time and it will never be a wasted time. Be the Master of your craft.

Lesson # 3. Take Time to Act upon your dream
                       Right Actions bring right results. Just do it.

Lesson # 4. Take Time to build Character
                        Commit to improve yourself. It takes time to build one's character and it takes commitment.

Lesson # 5. Take Time to Help other people reach their dreams too
                         Pay it forward. You can get what you want if you will just help enough people get what they want in life as Zig Ziglar said.

I will discuss with you each lesson in my next blogs. Hope I inspired you to dream and reach for it as I do.

To the good life and SUCCESS,

Emmanuel U. Galapon

 P.S. If you want to be coached and mentored for your success, drop me a SMS "Yes I'm ready for Success" with my personal # 0906-130-5861/09205550353

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